COMSTECH is a Ministerial Standing Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation established by the Third Summit Islamic of OIC held at Makkah, Saudi Arabia in January 1981. Its mission is to help strengthen the individual and collective capacity of OIC member states in science and technology through mutual cooperation, collaboration, and networking of resources.
The COMSTECH has relied upon Bosch DCN Next Generation System incorporated with Bosch Intergrus Simultaneous interpretation system for 175 delegates & Bosch Plena Public Address System being designed and installed by Bosch System Integrators World Wide Vision Pvt Ltd. Islamabad.
- ClientCOMSTECH Secretariate, Islamabad
- Equipment InstalledBosch DCN NG with Camera, LCD Monitors, Integrus and PA System
- Year Completed2009
- Installed byWorld Wide Vision Pakistan

I am happy that we have Selected Bosch DCN Conference System, Interpretation System & P.A. System. The System is running Smoothly Since 2009!